- Bernard Brunon. Chez Hopper, 2001. Latex paint on wall and trim.
- Richard Humann. Eine Kleine Nachtmusik (A Little Night Music), 2001. Two videos, video projector, television monitors, two VCR's, disc player, speakers, wires, wood, astroturf.
- China Blue. Josephine & Marion's Vent, 2001. Multimedia.
- Jessica Higgins. Linked Brushes, 2001. Found Object: Old brush holder, test tube, water, turpentine.
- Devon Dikeou. Light House/Hopper House/ Home Depot, 1986. Ongoing Whirl-a-gig Circo 1920. Acquired by the artist in 1986, sand from the nearest point to Hopper House-- Home Depot, Palisades Mall.
- Top Changtrakul. Growth Chart, 2001. Black Type, pen.
- Katherine Umsted. Two Rings, 2001. Flowers.
- Charles Citron. Pic-Nick, Take-Away, 2001. Wax paper, wax napkins, rubber bands, rubber latex, found objects.
- Michael Krondl. Radiation Chamber No. 5: Reflection, 2001. Wood, paint, mirror, laminate.