Shiyao Lin - Description

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We are thrilled to announce our new exhibition by Shiyao Lin.  The exhibition will be on view through August 9th. l In Whisper, Shiyao Lin explores the intimate aspect of communication, connection, and attachment between human beings. She finds it interesting how our society is hyper-focus on teaching people to be independent; as a result, growing attachment to someone can feel like losing ourselves or even leave a shameful experience. There’s a deep fear of abandonment, betrayal, and loss. Yet, with these great risks, humans should never stop searching for connections. Shiyao believes, it is something rooted in human nature and should not be denied. She feels that with the recent pandemic more people are willing to admit their fragilities and open themselves for deeper connections to others. Perhaps it is a time to accept our nature and vulnerabilities and learn to simply let ourselves attach to each other, whether it is with our family, friends or partner.

Whisper is an installation consisting of two figurative sculptures: a male and a female. The two figures are set six feet apart and facing each other – a response to “social distancing”.  Meanwhile, the distant figures are connected by a red string and two metal cans between them which is known as tin can telephones; an acoustic voice-transmitting game often played by children. Lin intends to bring a child-like innocence into the adult conversation. No matter the age of people, the connection between them are still young and pure like the red string metaphor. A red fairy light strand is attached to the string so the connection between the two figures will twinkle at night.

The two figures are both left intentionally unpolished, each one of them missing one arm, and the audience can look at the hollowness inside of them. This symbolizes flaws within each of us and represents we are incomplete as individuals when being isolated and separate from human connection. The two sculptures are placed on golden pedestals with luxurious velvet fabric.  The gold harkens to romance and a shimmering light. The artist raises the sculptures above eye level as she wants to arouse a feeling of worship for the precious connection between human beings.