Nora & Eliza Naranjo-Morse - Description

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Seeking Life in a new site-specific temporary installation by Santa Fe based artists Nora Naranjo-Morse and Eliza Naranjo-Morse. This visually stunning installation illustrates geese in flight. The birds are moving through braided stands of colorful, repurposed plastic. Some of the geese carry bundles of human personal objects; things that can be exchanged, left behind or held onto while searching for place. Seeking Life is a celebration of the incredible spirit behind movement and journey.

Humans do this too. For more than 10,000 years humans have been moving across North America following wild migration patterns in search of resources with which to live. This process of seeking life continues today and for basically the same reasons – Survival. Beyond physical sustenance, cycles of aging, personal growth and human experiences compel us to travel, discover ourselves, find home and family. In a more subtle expression we all make this journey in whatever form it takes every single day.

“Twice a year when the geese fly over our homes reminding us of this natural multi-directional process, we are relieved and excited to witness this stunning process that every living thing practices in some way – movement. Movement speaks to us not just as observers of nature but as an integral part of it. The world moves and deep inside we long to move with it, realizing that internal migration is as important as our physical survival.” Nora and Eliza Naranjo Morse